Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Observation

Monday I had a headache from pushing myself too hard over the weekend. Sometimes this is a difficult headache to get rid of. For me, there was a sinus pressure component as well as pain at the back of the head up to my eye with throbbing... I guess I would call that a "Combo Headache"!

It was so intense that it was hard for me to just 'breathe it away'. Especially since I was at work and had a lot of things on my plate. I took a few short breaks and did a special kind of breathing which helped drain my sinuses. This did reduce the pain from a 9 (scale 0 - 10) to a 3 or 4 but did not clear it all away. When I pinched the point on my hand the pain dropped to about 1 ... as long as I held the point. A bit hard to work (type on the keyboard)at the same time!

When I went home I took some Feverfew, sat on the couch and worked with my breathing and held the Large Intestine point on my hand, laid the back of my head on the couch where my head was tender and stayed quiet for about 15 minutes. Cleared it completely. Drank some water and went to bed. Slept well and woke up refreshed.

So, I know that sometimes it is harder than other times to eliminate a headache...

Let me know about your observations and results, OK?

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 11

Well, the previous post talked about 'low blood sugar' as a possible trigger for headaches and migraines... Now, let's look at the other side of blood sugar imbalance... High Blood Sugar.  This is also a trigger for chemical and systemic imbalances that can lead to headaches and migraines.

What can you do about that?

  • Exercise
  • Breathe longer and deeper 
  • Take a supplement like Gymnema Sylvestre
  • Use a GTF (Glucose Tolerant Factor) supplement (Chromium, Magnesium, B6)
  • Reduce your intake of high Glycemic Index foods (refined carbs mostly)
  • Smile more  :-)

Give this a try my friends!

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 10

Low blood sugar...

When the sugar level in your blood (glucose) gets low then one possible consequence is to get a headache or become light headed.

The solution here is simple... eat something!  Try something that is not too sweet so you don't just cycle between the low blood sugar and high blood sugar states.

Think nuts, seeds,  protein, etc.  This kind of food will be stabilizing to your blood sugar.  Simple solution don't you think?  Yet I have found that lots of you start off with coffee in the a.m., don't eat breakfast, skip lunch because of time pressures (or don't 'feel' hungry) and your lack of blood sugar affects your minds, bodies and/or feelings.  Thanks for reading!    Karl

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Headache and Migraine Tip # 9

Here is another Utube Video utilizing a technique called EFT.  I have been using this technique since February of 2000, though in a slightly different form.  It works.  Even though it may seem a bit strange.  These acupuncture points are activated by tapping, which is one way Acupressure is practiced.  (As I learn how to make my own videos I will post ones of my own!  Kinda hard for an introvert, but it will be done...)

For long lasting headache and migraine relief you usually need to understand the underlying imbalances and find how to mitigate them and improve overall vitality.  This can be done with most anyone.

This technique works by balancing the electrical field (or meridians) that Acupuncture is known for.  Of the hundreds of people I have used this with over the last 9 years, I have never seen a time where it did not improve the symptom needing relief.  Most of the time it reduces the pain level to zero.  Even if it seems hokey, strange, whatever... when you need pain relief, quickly... then this is a great tool to learn.

Call for an appointment for your own personal training.   540.667.5800


As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Headache and Migraine Tip # 8

Here is a short video about a simple massage technique for reducing neck tension that can help relieve headaches and migraines.


p.s.  If you want to schedule a massage for headache relief

Call:   540-667-5800

We will try to fit you in right away!

Blue Ridge Therapeutic Massage & Natural Body Care Center
2228 Papermill Road   Suite C
Winchester, VA  22601

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Monday, October 19, 2009

Headache and Migraine Tip # 7

And now Headache and Migraine Tip # 7...  The eyes have it!  Well, what I mean here is that there are a number of acupressure points around the eyes (both eyes).  Most help with sinus pressure but all of them can help reduce or eliminate headaches and migraines.

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 6

The second most abundant mineral in the body, magnesium, is involved in over 400 enzyme and physiological functions.  Some of its top benefits include relaxing muscles, reducing blood pressure and improving nerve transmissions... and of course, relieving headaches!

Especially important if you are taking calcium... as the calcium/magnesium ratio in the body and various tissue will be changed if you only take calcium.  Most people in the western culture are deficient in magnesium, partly because of diet but mostly because of stress.  Magnesium is eliminated as part of the stress response in the body.

Some symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

  • Dry Skin
  • Frequent Urination
  • Tense Muscles
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Muscle Pain
  • Sleep pattern of fall asleep, wake up, fall asleep, wake up (often with need for urination)
  • Wake up Tired without Deep sleep
  • Chronic Stiffness
How much to take?  An Hair Analysis would be helpful to measure tissue storage levels.  But for a lot of people, 400 mg in three divided dosages daily is quite useful.  Great for constipation relief too!

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

Friday, October 16, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 5

Two herbs that are quite helpful with headaches and migraines:

  • Feverfew
  • Butterbur
Available at most health food stores... Use as Directed!

These herbs may take an hour or two to make a difference... sometimes in just 30 minutes.  Research suggests that the herbs affect the dilation of blood vessels and help relieve pressure without known side affects.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 4

Now to our next great tip for headache and migraine relief...

How we breathe affects the overall health and vitality of our body.  Having headaches is often one way our body tells us that something is out of balance.  The odds are quite high that your breathing is restricted in some way when a headache and/or migraine is present.

So, how to breathe more effectively?

  • First, begin by paying attention to your breath
  • Notice it coming in and going out
  • Measure how long the inhale is in seconds
  • Measure how long the exhale is in seconds
  • Increase gradually the length of inhale and exhale
  • Your goal is to have it at least 5 second of inhale and 5 seconds of exhale
  • Next bring your attention to the center of your chest
  • Pretend (or visualize) that the air comes directly into the center of your chest
  • As you exhale pretend (or visualize) that the air leaves your Solar Plexus (pit of the stomach)
Continue breathing this way for a few minutes or until the headache is gone.  This technique is not as dramatic of a relief technique as the three above tips but it does work and will facilitate the relaxation response which will help relieve headaches.  Works great when used with the other tips too!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 3

Here we go with Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 3!

Next acupressure Headache and Migraine Relief point is on the head... or more accurately, on the bottom edge of the back of the skull.  There are two points very close to each other and they are bilateral (one on either side).  Either of them may just do the trick, i.e. quickly relieve your headache.
Where to find them:

  • Locate the bottom ridge of the skull at the back of the neck
  • Find the center  (This is one of the alternate points)
  • Move your fingers laterally (to the side) about 3/4" (both sides or either side)
  • Press here on the Occipital Ridge (it should be tender)
  • Hold for several minutes or until Headache Pain is relieved
  • Note on the below drawing that there are several other useful points on the head

Headache and Migraine Relief Points # 3

These Points are on the Gall Bladder, Bladder and Governing Vessel Meridians.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 2

This next Headache and Migraine Relief tip is like the first one except the point is on the foot.

This is where it is Located:

  • Located on Each Foot
  • In the Web between the Big Toe and the Second Toe
  • About a half an inch below where the toes merge into the foot
  • Press with a finger or pinch together the thumb and first finger
  • Hold for several minutes or until the headache is reduced or eliminated

                                            Headache and Migraine Point # 2

                                 This is a Liver acupressure point.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 1

Why do I call this Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 1???  

Well, obviously there is the fact that this is the first tip! :-)  

But the real reason is that this tip will help (if done correctly) about 80% of all common headaches and probably about 40% of Migraines.

Headache and Migraine Relief Tip # 1

There are hundreds of acupuncture points on the body... some of them are great for reducing headache pain, depending on the meridian imbalance.

  • There is one on each hand!
  • It is between the thumb and pointer (1rst) finger in the 'web'
  • It is closer to the pointer finger bone in the hand
  • You should be able to feel where it is most tender
  • Press or squeeze with the thumb and pointer finger of the other hand
  • Find where it is 'sore' or sensitive (usuallly quite tender when you have a headache)
  • Maintain the pressure for a few minutes or until the headache pain resolves!

This is a Large Intestine acupuncture point used for Headache and Migraine Relief.


Locations in Winchester, Virginia that specialize in Headache Relief

There are many professionals that treat headaches and migraines.  They are Doctors and they will primarily prescribe drugs and medications after thoroughly (hopefully!) studying and testing you.  If you have severe and/or continual headaches then, without hesitation please make an appointment with a Qualified Health Care Practitioner!

Because headaches and Migraines are so common many specialties treat them. I would suggest that you do educate yourself about treatment options so that you and your health care provider can communicate well on the choices available.  Obviously, if you have a tumor, infection, etc. you need immediate quality care.

Most headaches though, are not life threatening and do not need high level medical intervention.  The suggestions that follow are time tested and safe and used for hundreds of generations in different localities around the world.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around (and used!) for thousands of years... some say 5,000 years.  The earliest text that I have seen was written about 4,500 years ago (The Yellow Emperors Classic of Medicine).  Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioners (from India) say that it has been practiced over 7,000 years... and they were doing plastic surgery over 2,000 years ago.  Gives you a sense of perspective doesn't it?

The one place that I know in Winchester, Virginia that practices Headache and Migraine Relief without drugs:

For full disclosure please be advised that I am the owner and (headache relief specialist) at that business!  I train other health care providers and clients in the non invasive techniques that I have learned over the 39 years that I have been practicing.  My licensure is as a National Board Certified Massage Therapist and with the Virginia Board of Nursing.


Headache Relief Success

There are a lot of possible causes of Headaches and Migraines (see Causes of Headaches) and ultimately many solutions to reduce pain and the underlying causes.  Our goal is give you some quick tools for headache relief but not to diagnose or treat any disease... for Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease Please See Your Health Care Provider!.

Our Goal:

To provide information about simple ways that each person can reduce or eliminate Headache and Migraine Pain...
Without any negative side affects!

Our Next Post will suggest Locations in Winchester, Virginia to get help in Headache and Migraine Relief.
