Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Headache and Migraine Relief Observation

Monday I had a headache from pushing myself too hard over the weekend. Sometimes this is a difficult headache to get rid of. For me, there was a sinus pressure component as well as pain at the back of the head up to my eye with throbbing... I guess I would call that a "Combo Headache"!

It was so intense that it was hard for me to just 'breathe it away'. Especially since I was at work and had a lot of things on my plate. I took a few short breaks and did a special kind of breathing which helped drain my sinuses. This did reduce the pain from a 9 (scale 0 - 10) to a 3 or 4 but did not clear it all away. When I pinched the point on my hand the pain dropped to about 1 ... as long as I held the point. A bit hard to work (type on the keyboard)at the same time!

When I went home I took some Feverfew, sat on the couch and worked with my breathing and held the Large Intestine point on my hand, laid the back of my head on the couch where my head was tender and stayed quiet for about 15 minutes. Cleared it completely. Drank some water and went to bed. Slept well and woke up refreshed.

So, I know that sometimes it is harder than other times to eliminate a headache...

Let me know about your observations and results, OK?

As alway, remember, if headaches continue or are severe, please, please, please see your qualified health care provider! Thank you for your attention! Karl

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